Customer testimonials

Testimonials from our customers and their experience with the IMBOX service in their shoe stores. Read their Imbox Protection review here.


“The IMBOX service has had an excellent impact on our overall accessory sales. The convenience and protection offered by IMBOX make it possible for us to provide our customers with a more complete service experience without adding complexity at the point of sale. The training and support provided by IMBOX to our store teams have been valuable in driving not only IMBOX sales but also keeping up the focus on sales of aerosols. Overall the service has been well received all year round, and it can only have a positive effect on customer loyalty.”

The Buying Team
Deichmann Shoes UK LTD



“[...] Choosing IMBOX and working together was based on the fact that IMBOX is a tool that can help us improve our customers' experience. The new protection provides our customers with efficient and high-quality protection that increases durability and keeps moisture and dirt away from their products, thereby extending the life of their brand-new shoes.

We have been delighted from day one with IMBOX’s collaboration. Everything, from customer support when a question arises about the machine to refill and follow up, has been excellent. Imbox is a tool that both helps us and also helps our customers get a sustainable product, which is why we look forward to many years of cooperation." 

Samuel Frick, Sales Supporter


[...] IMBOX has become an important part of that story; ensuring that our customers not only select the correct footwear but offering them an environmentally-friendly protection system that allows them to extend the useful life of their footwear.

Since the introduction of the Imbox protection system across our stores we have seen a significant uptake across both outdoor and running footwear; our customers appreciate the convenience of having their footwear protected at the point of sale and the opportunity to, periodically, return for further treatment to continue to protect their investment. From our perspective this also gives our customers a reason to return to store.

The roll out of IMBOX units across our stores was easily managed with support from the IMBOX team which included seamless delivery and installation along with ongoing training support from their aftersales team. The project has been a partnership between IMBOX and ourselves which continues to deliver success.”

Andrew White
Outdoor & Cycle Concepts LTD

Outdoor and cycle concepts logo


“At Humanic, we’ve been dedicated shoe traders for more than a century, continuously developing our business, and always providing excellent customer service.

IMBOX is a one-of-a-kind shoe protection and is a very convenient service for the customer. It has been an important part of our business and has proven to be a valuable addition that increases our customers’ shopping experience, and our stores' accessories sales and profitability.

IMBOX is a fantastic tool to overcome one of today’s big challenges, to move the Internet customers into our physical stores, and it also comes with the benefit of being highly profitable as well as boosting the sale of accessories in general. IMBOX is an important part of Humanic´s future, boosting our profit and strengthening our relations with our customers."

Michaela Huber, Product Manager Accessories



“Bringing the IMBOX shoe protection service to our e-commerce business and in our stores allows us to offer our customers premium shoe protection in a seamless customer journey. The IMBOX concept was easily implemented in our warehouse logistics and our stores and was quickly a profitable service that our customers value."

Are Knutsen, SVP Commercial Services & Sustainability
XXL Sports & Outdoor

XXL Sports and Outdoor Logo


“IMBOX is a unique customer service that gives our stores a competitive edge. It’s a professional service that we offer all our customers in our stores. […] Additional turnover and customer loyalty is what our company strives for and having the IMBOX in stores has helped us maintain this, with adding extra value to the customers.”

Albert Setzger, Sales manager

Salamander logo


”The Imbox gives as obviously a significant additional turnover! This new tool breathes new life into our store! Our customers are starting to come back to the store to put their shoes in the IMBOX again, they take a quick tour of the store, and we are making extra turnover! This is positive for us and for our customers who find it practical that the IMBOX Treatment is done in-store and are satisfied with the reliability of this product over time.” François Lemaire, Manager, Chaussexpo Masny

”Since the arrival of the IMBOX on our site, we have an additional tool to increase our average basket, our item basket and therefore our turnover. It is also an additional tool for building customer loyalty and winning over new customers. In addition, our image as a footwear professional is reinforced by this new service. Finally, IMBOX is a safe and environmentally friendly service, which gives us the status of a "green" company.”

Charly Maillet, Manager
Chaussexpo Sierentz



“As a part of the all-inclusive IMBOX experience, our store managers and summer staff have participated in thorough training in using the IMBOX. During the sessions, the store staff received not only an introduction to IMBOX and how to communicate the service, but they were also able to ask questions to understand how it works. Now, the staff feel very confident in offering IMBOX to the customers, and as a result, the amount of sold treatments has grown significantly after the training.

Thanks to the close collaboration with the IMBOXs Customer Success Manager, setting up an informal training that lasted around an hour was a smooth process that benefitted our store staff. The more our employees understand the IMBOX, the more confident they are in selling the service, which we have seen has a big impact on increasing our revenue.”

Helen Asplind, Retail Manager



”IMBOX is a convenient and easy in-store service. We have experienced a significantly higher conversion rate with IMBOX than expected, with customers saying yes to having their shoes protected.

The IMBOX service has been easy to offer for the sales staff from day 1. We have received great support from the IMBOX team in terms of getting started. The machines were delivered and installed in our stores, ready to use immediately. The IMBOX team also provided support in teaching our staff how to incorporate the service into our everyday sales.

IMBOX has truly added a completely new revenue stream to Wynsors without decreasing sales in other product categories; on the contrary.”

Danny Bergin, Sales Manager

Wynsors logo


“IMBOX is a fantastic way of getting additional sales also during warm weather and summertime. The sale of IMBOX shoe protection is continuously growing even when it is +28 C° outside. Normally, we have a hard time selling aerosols in the summertime, but IMBOX being a service - changed this. And when the customers have invested in their industrial protection, they are more likely to buy an aerosol to bring home with them.”

Ninna Tækker Hansen, Store Manager

Skoringen logo


"We got an IMBOX at the end of November 2017 and this has proven to be a great addition to our shop that gives our customers a better service as well as additional income for us. The Imbox shoe protection makes sense for every kind of shoes, no matter if Sneaker, Trekking or Running shoes and ever since we have offered the Imbox service to every shoe customer, sales have gone up. In our first month alone we sold more than 600 treatments - fantastic additional sales.”

Jon Valli



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Schuh Logo Armitana logoStadium Logo black Moda logo blackHumanic logo white and blackJones Boiotmaker logo black Sacha logo black Chaussexpo logo blue and whitePavers logo blueBründl Sports logo blue and redIntersport logo red and blueSportisimo logo white and blue The Athlete´s Foot logo redSchuhmann logo redOchsner Sport logo redKienast logo redHervis Sports logo white, red and blueRezet Sneaker Store logo black and redStreet Shoes logo grey, white and red Anika Schuh Logo red and blackCotsworld Outdoor logo red  Snow+Rock logo redReno logo red and yellowvanHaren logo red and whiteGigasport logo orange and blackWynsors logo orangeXXL logo greenDeichmann white and greenSalamander logo green      Runners Need logo          Merkal logo


Do you have any questions? Here you’ll find the answers most valued by our partners and customers, along with access to step-by-step instructions and support.

IMBOX is accessible with a rental agreement and is an all-inclusive solution. It requires no investment or any additional resources for you.

Get a personalized business case here.

With the IMBOX plug-and-play solution, you get full support. The solution includes service of the IMBOXs by local providers, support and training, marketing materials and much more.

Read more about the IMBOX solution here.